Monday, May 15, 2023

Finding peace and beauty, even on hard days


Today was a hard day. Can you relate?

More things went wrong than right. Disappointment and rejection. Missed deadlines. Missed opportunities. Dashed hopes. Crushed dreams. 

Despite all the hard work and pushing myself, I failed. I dropped a ball. I stumbled. I beat myself up because I'm not Super Woman anymore. (was i ever?) 

When I was a younger woman, I might have cried. But I'm not much of a crier. Not anymore.

After I've already encountered so many hard things, why should I be surprised when I encounter more hard things along my path? Challenging days will come--and often--until my days are done. That is truth.

My spirit is exhausted from all this effort with so little to show for it. 

Then one more hard thing happened. Too many difficulties on a day that was too hot, too hard, too much. 

"How much more can I take in one day?" I asked. "Where's the relief?" 

My answer came with the wind blowing in the trees. Gently, then rigorously. Branches cracked in the woods. 

Thunder rolled in the distance and grew closer. Then it started raining. 

Immediately the temperature began to drop. Relief! 

The tension in my body began to lessen. I breathed in the scent of rain through my open windows. 

After the storm, I stepped outside to smell the rain and the green and the peace. That's when I noticed a spectacular sunset glowing, beckoning me. 

Blossoming tree at sunset

Slipping on my boots, I walked briskly through the garden, down the hill and onto the path into the Great Meadow. As the sun sank behind the meadow, I hurried, not wanting to miss the party. 

What a spectacular party it was! Blazing sunset. Cool breezes. Spring blossoms. Scent of rain. The last of the day's birdsong as the sun slipped out of sight.

Peace and beauty at day's end

Then the frog chorus began its nightly symphony. Just for me in that moment.

I turned and walked home through tall grass, serenaded by the frogs.

Even on the hardest days, I find peace and beauty if I open my eyes. 

Yes, today was a hard one. 

But tomorrow is a new day, fresh with no mistakes in it, as Anne of Green Gables said. 

Tomorrow I'll be ready to start again. Will you?

The end of a hard day: Ready to start fresh tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Stunning commentary. Stunning view. I am always amazed how nature can turn things around. I have many days in my life like yours started out. And as you suggest there are many more to come. I am thankful with age that I beat myself up less and less. In Italy they have a phrase, "piano, piano" literally it means slowly, slowly. The Italians use it to say, soon, soon, and so it is, so it is. I find myself often using this phrase. So happy to see you back at CC doing what you love. And, doing it quite well, in spite of the challenges. You are, Susan Parrish, an amazing woman!!!
